Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Man the Emperor

So Don enjoys his world domination games. Did I say "enjoys"? I meant is addicted!!!!!!!!

Can I just get a few moments to quietly meditate and focus on my blog? Geez..I want to pour myself onto a page and he is practically dancing and fidgeting around me, awaiting his return to the Greek City States that he must conquer. Can't a girl get a little peace and quiet without the pressure?

I have my first OB appointment next month. A little nervous. My 2 close and also pregnant friends (Heather-the one I called 1st and Natalie-the most pregnant one out of us 3) have decided to go with a midwife: the same one, in fact. I went in the other direction. I don't necessarily feel strongly about one or the other. I would probably be nervous meeting a midwife for the 1st time too, now that I think of it. I put a lot of faith into what is considered "professional opinion." I suppose it comes from the perspective of my own profession: a teacher. Whether it be a doctor or a midwife, both are professionals and give information and advice based upon their experience and knowledge. I have never really considered myself to be a naturalist or purist. I don't know if that swayed my decision process, but I guess the cold and clinical perception of hospitals and clinics doesn't really dissuade me. What is important to me is what I'm carrying, Don's love and support and my dearest friends. Put me in a cold hard cell, and as long I have what is most precious to me I am happy and comfortable.

I thought I was going to write about how funny my kids at school are. I guess I can save that for another time.

I wish I had more photos to post. Sadly, I don't own digital camera at the moment. Silly I should choose to start a BLOG and not have access to camera. Oh well. Enjoy a pic from my archives.

Ouch! Grade 12 and Grade 8.

Aaah the Flowerhead.

Interesting....I think I still pull my hair behind that ear! Scary.

1 comment:

Heather said...

hrm...I think you have just inspired a new blog for me. Finally, it's been like ages since I've blogged.